Monday, December 31, 2012

Thankful and Blessed

2012 is just about to wrap up and I can’t help but just be thankful with the faithfulness of the Lord above all His blessings throughout this year. Many times I missed to attend the church, read the bible or say “thank you’s and I’m sorry’s” but His love endures forever. My shortcomings has no bearing with the amount of love He’s been giving me since. It was indeed, unconditional.

This year is certainly a roller coaster ride. I have experienced loss, new endeavors, faith, hope, love and more. My fingers will not suffice to count every blessing the Lord has shed throughout the whole year, not only with me but with the people I love dearly.

My 2012 may have started with goodbyes, first with Sodexo (previous employer for two years whom the people I have loved and place where I have been molded professionally) and next, when I lose mom last February. I am glad that the Lord filled my heart with joy to move on with life and true enough that when He closes a door, He opens a window, when the Lord called me to the unexpected place, Dubai, shortly after mom’s death. It is in this unexpected place where I have started to build a relationship with my sister and her family. I’m merry to gain new friends with their friends and I am excited to see how our relationship will blossom in the months/years to come.

I came in Dubai holding a tourist visa which is only valid for 30 days, otherwise, extended for another month which will cost me few more grand, but, the Lord loved me so much that He has lead me to Atlas, my present employer. I was only on my second week in Dubai when I found work. Yey! But hey, the challenge didn't stopped with getting an employer, my faith and patience were also tested when I exit in Iran while waiting for my employment visa to come in. I, again, has gained new friends from there and the memories will surely be treasured. I love my colleagues in Atlas dearly. They are friends to me and the joy they bring to me everyday is awesome.

2012 is also a year of miracles. My family has gained three new addition to our clan. The new source of our joy, our new babies, Raine, Axel and Aj. These babies are truly miracle from the Lord especially Aj who came only after 10 years of marriage of Kuya Ton and Ate Jo. Aj is an epitome of an answered prayer. Baby Aj is a testimony of how prayer can move mountains. Kuya Ton and Ate Jo have cried rivers from few miscarriage in the past, but, as they say, everything happens in His most perfect time.

Above all, It is in this year I mature as a Christian- the best thing ever happened to me. Life is never the same since and I am very excited to see others experience the same. I can’t thank ate Sheila enough for accompanying me in VCF Dubai and for introducing me to Jen, my small group leader. I have not only gained friends with them but a spiritual family whom I can laugh, cry and share the same faith with. I am giddy to grow more in faith with them in the years to come.

The Lord however does not only want relationship with me, but to serve a purpose to save others through discipleship. I had my first disciples this year through Aika and Alexis. Yey! I can't wait to see them mature with the Lord too.

Above are only few highlights of this year, not to set aside, new gadgets, relationships, restoration, answered prayers, everyday protection, provision, strengths, abilities and His plans and purposes coming true in my everyday life. The way I see things now are far way different from how I used to. I thought that success and money are the best things in the world, but they are not. After all, they all shall perish. It is my relationship with the Lord which is eternal. Btw, I melt every time the Lord uses me to bless others - one of the best feelings in the world! =)

I am thankful with how the Lord has been moving in my life. It is in my weakest points, I found perseverance, patience, humility, forgiveness and faith.

But the best is yet to come. I am sure 2013 will be even better. It will be a year of breakthroughs and yes’s from the Lord! *dances*

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