Monday, August 24, 2015

Up, sluggard!

There are these days when I just feel being lazy and my mind is somewhere else - dreaming of faraway places or goals bubbling through my thoughts.

The next thing I know, hours had past and my backlogs had piled up. The idea of a bad time steward had prompted and later on, find myself questioning my faithfulness.

But, honestly and by the grace of God, it is on these times, I had to make a conscious decision to get back and stop being a sluggard.

Most of the time, I will find myself locked in the wash room, prophesying and decreeing life against my valley of dry bones (Ezekiel 37).

I have to remind myself that I am serving God and not men – so I must persevere and be excellent in what I was called to do. I must willfully get up and serve faithfully and wholeheartedly in the fear of the Lord (2 Chronicles 19:9) and I must sow diligently.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Miracle-Working God

I have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes for almost ten years now and been taking maintenance from then on. However, a week or two before our mid-year prayer & fasting on 5th- 7th of July, I dropped my meds despite sugar shoot ups with an intention to really believe for healing.

On the second night, our pastor called those who are in need of healing for the laying of hands and prayer. I humbly went forward with my thankful heart whilst believing God for a miracle.

Yesterday was our last prayer meeting.  Before going there, I decided to test my sugar count so that I'll know what to pray again, in case.

While in front of my glucometer, I talked to the Lord, appealing that I am not testing His miracle, but I'll be glad if He can allow me to see it pass right in front of me. Whatever the measurements be though, I believe in my heart that I am healed- so I went on and on the next second, my jaw dropped when I saw the figures on the screen- 120 mg/dl. It was a normal count considering I ate lunch two or three hours ago.

My heart is filled with gladness and thanksgiving.

I know in my heart that it is not a coincidence, but that is a hand of God at work. All glory to a miracle-working God! Hallelujah!

I am believing for continuous healing and faithfulness to pursue fitness and healthy lifestyle for His glory and good stewardship of His temple.

My prayer is that everyone will receive their first -hand miracle from Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us- Eph 3:20.

Jesus said to her, daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering- Mark 5:34- Go, claim it! I'll say it again, claim it until He is moved. 

Friday, April 3, 2015

Mount Pulag

It was not too long ago when I first trek a mountain in Anwangin, Zambales. With my gasping, mood swings and scarcely talking temper close to summit because of an irritating tiredness of a supposed stroll, I never thought I would ever trek again.

But then here I am, almost fresh from a straight nine hours flight from Dubai (from a manic duty at work and barely had sleep), prepared my bag and went straight to Baguio with my good friend, Rose eight hours from landing to catch the famous sea of clouds in Mount Pulag.

We reached Baguio at 6am then transferred to a jeepney to bring us to Benguet- where Pulag is. We passed by Ambuklad Dam before heading to DENR office for some protocol briefing. Apparently, station 2 was full that day from earlier campers, hence, we can no longer pitch our tent at night and gaze at the stars while we wait dawn and start the trek. While I loved the stars, I am a thankful though to past the night on a local house because one, they have comfortable beds to get good four hours sleep, second, the warmth is way greater than what an open space camp has to offer and lastly, you can make new friends with your little time with your group mates in the house.

The cold was extreme when we were about to begin the trek at midnight and being stationary will not help at all. With our gears and minions look (head lamp on), we started the trek via Ambangeg trail from the Ranger Station. We are 24 people in the group excluding our three local guides sited in the head, middle and tail to make sure no one will be left behind.

The initial trail was easy but the next ones are easier said than done. They were steep and at times, slippery. The gasping and spasms had started and thoughts of quitting were being entertained several times. I was left behind. Many times. Even found myself alone at times into the woods. The trail were narrow and are cliffs most of the time, if not all. Plus they are rocky. Any wrong pace can lead you to danger (twisted foot or falling off the cliff)

I had to stop multiple times to catch my breath as was not forcing thyself too much- taking care of my glucose level. I’m sure passing out is the last thing you want to end up on cliffs. Lol. I enjoyed the solitary moments though for they were also the times I had my conversations with God. Boasting the strength I have in Christ Jesus and the hope in my heart to finish the race, even despite the several stops and doubts.

But His grace is indeed sufficient. I reached the summit an hour or so later than my friend, which concludes all the more the number of my stop overs. Haha! Nevertheless, I still reached and finished the race. And still even a little early for the sunrise and sea of clouds. 

The cold was more apparent on the summit that we have to hide ourselves on the tall grasses. My fingers were numb hardly clicking my shutter. Haha. They said, it was only 10 degrees at that time but the wind were strong making it colder. I really thought it was freezing point. Lol! (Friendly advice though- do not underestimate the cold in Pulag!)

The view on the summit is Pulag’s crowning glory and reward. It was breathtaking and magnificent. Staring at the beauty of endless mountains panorama and the jaw dropping sea of clouds- It was beyond words. I just know in my heart that it is only God who can create such perfection. What a joy to see all these.

But as any journey would end, so is this experience. We went down using the same trail but with a more joyful heart after reaching the summit and seeing the sea of clouds. In fact more grateful with the bright of sun highlighting the beauty of the trail you once went. Just in complete awe wherever side I turn.

After all, I still want to go back and trek maybe through a more complicated trail. Maybe when I am engaged. They say, you can see the character of your partner when on Akiki Trail. The hardest of all- maybe because cursing is more tempting there. Lol.

Until the next trek and/or new summit. Gracias.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Shukran, 2014!

It seems it was only yesterday when we hit Al Ain road to watch the fireworks at the Burj Khalifa on New Year’s Eve and today, marks another new year. How time flies.

The grace of the Lord has been evident throughout the 2014. I must say, I had my share of ups and downs and His grace sustained me in every way. His peace became my shield and His promises became my back bone.

This year I learned that I am weak. I knew I am but I had this sort of pride in my heart which has deceived me and made me believe that I am strong. Apparently, love has struck me. But to a wrong guy because he do not loved Jesus. But because it was a good feeling, I chose to brush off the signs, exposed my heart and just indulged myself on those shivery, fuzzy feeling of infatuation. Next thing I know, I fell. Problem. Ugh!

I had this convictions in my heart and felt no complete joy. I knew I had to stop. I had to revisit my heart and ask myself what it is I really wanted and if I see any future on this. Glad God has kept my sanity. I filled my spirit and seek for godly people to be accountable of me when I made that decision and chose His way. People, who out of love will tell me on my face that I’m wrong and will stand with me every step of the way until victory. I cried. Many times. Even found myself bargaining numerous times if it can instead work out. Apparently, He is just and when He says “do not”- He means every word of it.

How many of you know that God is a god of challenges too. He builds you to be this strong person you never thought you could be apart from His grace. Literally almost every day I have to see this man and those every days I also have to decide that no, it will never work out. There was even this point when I begged Him to get me out of this man as I'm already hurting. And guess what? He instead asked for my compassion. Jaw dropped. Can you please teach me how to separate emotions from compassion, Lord?- Well He did. He taught me that compassion can work from a distance. You can forgive, pray and still bless that man from afar. There are so many other challenges along the healing process like discoveries of infidelity and to even expose you to the other woman who is a friend. How she will always share to me how they exchanges texts and seeing her falling too right before my eyes. And maybe him to her. And then I thanked God that His plans are always to prosper me and not to harm me (to saved me just in time)- even if there are tears along the way.

In all fairness with the Lord, when you cast all your worries to Him, He will indeed sustain you and not let you shaken. You just need to take your position (decision), stand firm and see His deliverance. Glad it is not my battle but His.

There are so many other highlights this year like promotion- be it work or spiritually (I had additional two disciples which completed my group and started serving in a ministry I love- to intercede); vacation in the Philippines last May and having been able to carry the whole family to Boracay for three days with Abe's successful engagement proposal to Norii while sailing on a glorious beach sunset; started doing what I love- events management and stage design on the side of work; new friends; generosity and supernatural provisions to me and the people I love throughout the year.

New Year has come but the Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever. Say hello to 2015 with an expectant heart.

God is good. All the time.