Monday, August 24, 2015

Up, sluggard!

There are these days when I just feel being lazy and my mind is somewhere else - dreaming of faraway places or goals bubbling through my thoughts.

The next thing I know, hours had past and my backlogs had piled up. The idea of a bad time steward had prompted and later on, find myself questioning my faithfulness.

But, honestly and by the grace of God, it is on these times, I had to make a conscious decision to get back and stop being a sluggard.

Most of the time, I will find myself locked in the wash room, prophesying and decreeing life against my valley of dry bones (Ezekiel 37).

I have to remind myself that I am serving God and not men – so I must persevere and be excellent in what I was called to do. I must willfully get up and serve faithfully and wholeheartedly in the fear of the Lord (2 Chronicles 19:9) and I must sow diligently.

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