Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Miracle-Working God

I have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes for almost ten years now and been taking maintenance from then on. However, a week or two before our mid-year prayer & fasting on 5th- 7th of July, I dropped my meds despite sugar shoot ups with an intention to really believe for healing.

On the second night, our pastor called those who are in need of healing for the laying of hands and prayer. I humbly went forward with my thankful heart whilst believing God for a miracle.

Yesterday was our last prayer meeting.  Before going there, I decided to test my sugar count so that I'll know what to pray again, in case.

While in front of my glucometer, I talked to the Lord, appealing that I am not testing His miracle, but I'll be glad if He can allow me to see it pass right in front of me. Whatever the measurements be though, I believe in my heart that I am healed- so I went on and on the next second, my jaw dropped when I saw the figures on the screen- 120 mg/dl. It was a normal count considering I ate lunch two or three hours ago.

My heart is filled with gladness and thanksgiving.

I know in my heart that it is not a coincidence, but that is a hand of God at work. All glory to a miracle-working God! Hallelujah!

I am believing for continuous healing and faithfulness to pursue fitness and healthy lifestyle for His glory and good stewardship of His temple.

My prayer is that everyone will receive their first -hand miracle from Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us- Eph 3:20.

Jesus said to her, daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering- Mark 5:34- Go, claim it! I'll say it again, claim it until He is moved. 

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