Friday, January 2, 2015

Shukran, 2014!

It seems it was only yesterday when we hit Al Ain road to watch the fireworks at the Burj Khalifa on New Year’s Eve and today, marks another new year. How time flies.

The grace of the Lord has been evident throughout the 2014. I must say, I had my share of ups and downs and His grace sustained me in every way. His peace became my shield and His promises became my back bone.

This year I learned that I am weak. I knew I am but I had this sort of pride in my heart which has deceived me and made me believe that I am strong. Apparently, love has struck me. But to a wrong guy because he do not loved Jesus. But because it was a good feeling, I chose to brush off the signs, exposed my heart and just indulged myself on those shivery, fuzzy feeling of infatuation. Next thing I know, I fell. Problem. Ugh!

I had this convictions in my heart and felt no complete joy. I knew I had to stop. I had to revisit my heart and ask myself what it is I really wanted and if I see any future on this. Glad God has kept my sanity. I filled my spirit and seek for godly people to be accountable of me when I made that decision and chose His way. People, who out of love will tell me on my face that I’m wrong and will stand with me every step of the way until victory. I cried. Many times. Even found myself bargaining numerous times if it can instead work out. Apparently, He is just and when He says “do not”- He means every word of it.

How many of you know that God is a god of challenges too. He builds you to be this strong person you never thought you could be apart from His grace. Literally almost every day I have to see this man and those every days I also have to decide that no, it will never work out. There was even this point when I begged Him to get me out of this man as I'm already hurting. And guess what? He instead asked for my compassion. Jaw dropped. Can you please teach me how to separate emotions from compassion, Lord?- Well He did. He taught me that compassion can work from a distance. You can forgive, pray and still bless that man from afar. There are so many other challenges along the healing process like discoveries of infidelity and to even expose you to the other woman who is a friend. How she will always share to me how they exchanges texts and seeing her falling too right before my eyes. And maybe him to her. And then I thanked God that His plans are always to prosper me and not to harm me (to saved me just in time)- even if there are tears along the way.

In all fairness with the Lord, when you cast all your worries to Him, He will indeed sustain you and not let you shaken. You just need to take your position (decision), stand firm and see His deliverance. Glad it is not my battle but His.

There are so many other highlights this year like promotion- be it work or spiritually (I had additional two disciples which completed my group and started serving in a ministry I love- to intercede); vacation in the Philippines last May and having been able to carry the whole family to Boracay for three days with Abe's successful engagement proposal to Norii while sailing on a glorious beach sunset; started doing what I love- events management and stage design on the side of work; new friends; generosity and supernatural provisions to me and the people I love throughout the year.

New Year has come but the Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever. Say hello to 2015 with an expectant heart.

God is good. All the time.

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