Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A New Year Poem
by: Arris Padernal

2013 is now part of past
Who knows 2014 will run just as fast?

I am in awe how You command the dawn to set
While I always find morning hi’s the best

Like how the leaves lean itself to the sun
I, too will lean myself to the Son

I will not trade salvation for riches
Nor will I ever trade peace for temporary happiness

Troubles will come, I know
What are they? that I wouldn’t know

But Your hope is my wall
In Your grace, I will never fall

Always keep my paths straight
As the evil uses all sort of bait

Belt me with the Truth
And please increase my faith

Open and examine my heart always
Let me trust nothing but Your ways

When I’m becoming self righteous
Be quick! Your discipline, I will sure to choose

For I am nothing and in You I sure have nothing to boast
In the end, I do not want this race to lost

Keep me tight! hold me tight!
I know my battle You will fight

May I desire for Your coming with a confident heart
You are faithful, I know in Your grace, I will never short

Friday, January 3, 2014

Blessed 2013

I remember praying to the Lord numerous times about patience and forgiveness last 2013. Many times, I will find myself locked on the bathroom weeping because of an offense or being a victim of an unreasonable judgment at work. I even remembered praying of a new opportunity as I feel growth is far and I'm already becoming a person I am not i.e. lying and pleaser at the expense of others feelings, but the Lord is dealing things on His timeline. Numerous times, I found myself being denied by the Lord on my cries, asking me to stay as He has great things in store for me. I obeyed- rejoicing on the hope of His faithfulness.

Indeed, the reward is great for those who wait. Later of last year, my boss has to go back to the UK and I'll be left behind. I know from then that it is a blessing in disguise. I know that when he leave, I can deal with my conscience whilst getting an opportunity to show my knack with the company.  And yes, the Lord has given me the desire of my heart, which is to sell print.

True enough that the yoke of the Lord is light, I never called new clients apart from the people I built rapport with and I've dealt with during Jon's time, but the Lord has been faithful giving me deals  from everywhere, hence, resulting to good figures to wrap the year up. The people around me has been very supportive as if the Lord has touched their hearts. Even the management whom I thought never acknowledged the works of their people expressed their joy upon learning how I performed over the last three months since Jon left.

Recalling all this, I was overwhelmed with the faithfulness of the Lord. When I asked for justice, He fought my battle. When I asked Him to grant the desires He has put in my heart, He is never too selfish in awarding them according to His will. When I asked for increase and provisions, He has another way of answering them- through sales commission.

I have learned that God's ways are not our ways. He has His own timeline and we must submit to the joy that He has something big in store for us. He does things when He will most be glorified. I know that if all these happened not on the way they did, I could have not acknowledged His great love as much.

True enough that if we let God be the God of our lives, He is sure to deal with every matter of our hearts.

My forever verses are from Philippians 4:4- Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! and Romans 8:28-And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

2013 has left and a new year has come, yet, it is the same God yesterday, today and forever. Let us dwell on His grace and love forever.